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  As you well know, monetary policy has powerful effects on financial markets, the financial system, and the broader economy. Conversely, financial instability, by impairing the provision of credit and other financial services, can depress economic growth, cause job losses, and push inflation too low. Accordingly, financial stability, through its effects on the Federal Reserve’s dual-mandate goals of maximum employment and stable prices, must be a consideration in the setting of monetary policy. Against this backdrop, a natural—yet quite complex—question is whether monetary policy should be used to promote financial stability. This question is hotly debated in a large and growing academic literature, and any serious answer has to be subject to considerable nuance. At the same time, my sense is that the balance is clearly tilted toward the conclusion that macroprudential policies—through-the-cycle resilience, stress tests, and the countercyclical capital buffer (CCyB)—may be better targ

Applied Economics & what makes it relevent in the real world

  Applied Economics Raffi Manzoor Applied economics is a field that applies of economic theories and principles to real-world situations with the desired aim of predicting potential outcomes. The use of applied economics is designed to analytically review potential outcomes without the "noise" associated with explanations that are not backed by numbers. Applied economics can involve the use of econometrics and case studies. ADVERTISEMENT HERE 👇👇👇 Apply for a decent Job Because economics relies on the interpretation of historical events in its theories, applied economics can lead to "to do" lists for steps that can be taken to ensure stability in real-world events. Although applied economics uses economic theory and principles, it is itself not a field of economics, such as neoclassical economics or the Austrian school. The use of applied economics may first involve exploring economic theories to develop questions about a circumstance or situation, and then draw u