JKSSB announces recruitment for fresh 1700 posts ➡Form submission start date: 27-12-2020 ➡Last date to apply: 16-01-2021 ➡Application Fee: Rs. 350/- ➡Syllabus shall be notified separately Download detailed notification here 👇 http://jkssb.nic.in/Pdf/Downloader.ashx?nid=31283&type=n LAnnexure "A" Name of the Posts, Category wise break up of posts, Qualification and Criteria for selection of the District/Divisional/UT Cadre posts “Annexure – B” Certificate regarding Physical Limitation of an Examinee to Write This is to certify that, I have examined Mr/Ms/Mrs_________________________ (name of the candidate with disability), a person with________________ (nature and percentage of disability as mentioned in the certificate of disability), S/o D/o ________________________________,a resident of ________________(Village /District/UT and to state that he/she ha...